Isabel Coutinho Monteiro
Literary Translation (Published Works)
Tradução literária (obras publicadas)
Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov

Sakharov addressing the Congress of People's Deputies

in Moscow, USSR in June 1989

Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov
Portuguese title:
Portuguese Publisher:
Publicações Europa-América
Translated in 1991 (partnership)
Visit the
Andrei Sakharov Foundation
Harvey MackayBeware the naked man...
Harvey Mackay
Beware the naked man who offers you his shirt
Portuguese title:
Cuidado com o homem nú
que lhe oferece a camisa
Portuguese Publisher: Difusão Cultural
Translated in 1992
Visit Harvey's Web site
And, did you know Harvey makes envelopes
Gene Wolf

Gene autographing his books

at the 56th World Science Fiction Convention

Baltimore, Maryland (USA), 1998

Gene Wolf
The Urth of The New Sun
Portuguese title:
Urth do Novo Sol
Portuguese Publisher:
Publicações Europa-América
Translated in 1989
The Urth of the New SunUrth do Novo Sol

No picture available

Michèle Brown
How to Study Successfully
for Better Exam Results
Portuguese title:
Como Estudar com Sucesso
e Obter Bons Resultados nos Exames
Portuguese Publisher: Difusão Cultural
Translated in 1992
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